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Fish tattoo stencils

Fish tattoo stencil - Fish Free Tattoo Stencil - Free Fish Tattoo Designs For Men - Free Fish Tattoo Designs For Woman - Customized Fish Tattoos - Free Fish Tattoos - Free Printable Fish Tattoo Stencils - Free Printable Fish Tattoo Designs

Fish Tattoos and Their Meaning 

Fish tattoos have a multi-faceted symbolism, as fish patterns are associated not only with the element of air, but they hold a special place in astrology.
The history of fish tattoos goes back to the beginning of our era. The image of an anchor and fishes was a symbol of Christians, therefore, the paramount importance of fish tattoos was religious.
Many nations have connected fishes with the water, which is a fundamental principle of everything in nature. In Eastern culture, fishes denoted an ardent nature and a physical fertility, whereas in Buddhism fish ornaments connoted the liberation from earthly passions.
In Greek and Egyptian cultures the significations of fish tattoos are controversial: in Greece, fishes have been the embodiment of love, while for Egyptians fishes embodied people with evil intentions.
For Indians, two fishes represent a loving couple and in Japan, only brave and fearless people decorated their bodies with fish figures. Many African tribes reckoned that the souls of dead warriors turned to fishes and swam in the river of the underworld.
Fish tattoos, which are in demand, encompass carp, shark, trout, dolphin images, their significations are the following:
  • The main denotation of a carp tattoo is luck, but in China and Japan it is considered differently: in China, this tattoo is worn by purposeful people, in Japan, the carp ink is the sign of a man with great willpower.
  • In myths of some nations, sharks are symbols of perseverance and determination. In the contemporary world, there is a saying “business sharks”, which signifies that the person achieves success. Thus, fish inks are suitable for persistent and rebellious humans.
  • Trout patterns serve as emblems of material abundance and spiritual inspiration, these tattoos are appropriate for energetic people.
  • In nature, dolphins are very kind, friendly and brave, often they rescue people at sea and they are able to treat humans. Thus, the dolphins tattoos indicate a dedicated and amiable personality.
These vibrant patterns look absolutely amazing on the chest, legs, the back, sleeves, and feet.
Hence, fish tattoos represent desire, energy, will and fortitude, they can be made both in old school traditions and new styles, and a range of colors will suit even the most extravagant person.

How to use tattoo stencils



- Fish tattoo stencil 1 

Fish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 


- Fish tattoo stencil 2

Fish tattoo stencil

 Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.


- Fish tattoo stencil 3 

Fish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Fish tattoo stencil 4 

Fish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Fish tattoo stencil 5 

Fish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Catfish tattoo stencil 6 

Catfish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Barracuda fish tattoo stencil 7 

Barracuda fish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Fish tattoo stencil 8 


Fish tattoo stencil

                                        Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.


- Fish tattoo stencil 9 

Fish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Koi fish tattoo stencil 10 

Koi fish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Fish tribal tattoo stencil 11 

Fish tribal tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Fish tattoo stencil 12 

Fish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Fish tattoo stencil 13 

Fish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Fish tattoo stencil 14 

Fish tattoo stencil

                                      Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.


- Fish tattoo stencil 15 

Fish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Fish tattoo stencil 16 

Fish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Fish tattoo stencil 17 

Fish tattoo stencil

                                  Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Tiger fish tattoo stencil 18 

Tiger fish tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

- Fishes on circle tattoo stencil 19 

Fishes on circle tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like. 

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