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Small finger tattoo



Finger tattoo: motifs and their meaning

The most popular of them mean and get inspiration for your next tattoo.


The moon tattoos have a variety of symbolic meanings such as reverie, magic, feminine, dark side and change. In addition, each individual moon phase has a different interpretation. The full moon stands for completion and realization, the new moon for new beginnings and growth, the waning moon for separation and parting and the increasing moon for fertility and healing. The moon tattoos are especially preferred by people who believe in fate and chance.


 The feather tattoos are primarily a symbol of freedom and informality, as well as creativity and intelligence. This motif is interpreted in different ways in different cultures and religions. In Christianity, the feather is associated with angel wings. With the Celts it was considered a symbol of holiness, with the Egyptians for truth and with the Buddhists for boldness and honesty. The Romans associated her with Juno, the goddess of marriage, childbirth and care.


 The eye is generally considered to be an expression of the mind and soul. It also stands as a symbol for truth and knowledge. Like the other motifs that we have presented, the eye has different symbolic meanings in different cultures. In Turkey and Greece, for example, it is believed that the black eye helps against the evil eye. In both countries the so-called Nazar amulets (blue eye-shaped amulets made of glass) are very common. They are worn as pendants on necklaces, also in cars on the interior rearview mirror and in apartments over the front door. The eye of providence, also known as the all-seeing eye, is particularly popular as a tattoo motif. It represents the eternally watchful God and is surrounded by a halo and represented by a triangle.


 The heart tattoo primarily symbolizes love and life force. But the different templates of the heart tattoo have different meanings. Heart with flame stands for strong love, infinity heart for infinity, broken heart for sadness and heartache, heart with dagger for disappointment in love.


 The flower is a popular motif for finger tattoos. In general, it symbolizes femininity, vitality and youth, but every single flower has a different symbolism. In our picture gallery you can see how delicate and elegant roses, lotus and tulips look like as tattoos. In addition, each of the three types of flowers has a deep symbolic meaning. The rose symbolizes love and passion, the lotus - innocence and perfection and the tulip - joie de vivre and optimism.

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