Heart tattoo designs:
Heart designs are a classic and standard among tattoo aficionados.
Hearts are seen as symbols of togetherness and love, more so, romantic
or erotic love. However, in tattoo designs, it is not necessary that the
same meaning is interpreted by everyone.
There are many meanings attached to the hearts. Depending on the personality of the individual, the meaning of a heart design changes. The meanings also change when the heart is combined with any other symbol.
There are many meanings attached to the hearts. Depending on the personality of the individual, the meaning of a heart design changes. The meanings also change when the heart is combined with any other symbol.
History of Tattoos with Hearts:
Heart tattoos became popular in the early 1900's. It was started by men who were going to far off lands. Sailors or soldiers who were leaving to fight in the World War II were the ones who started the trend of getting tattooed with heart designs. Sailors chose the red heart with mom written in the center. Soldiers, on the other hand, got hearts tattooed on their person with their girlfriends'/wives' names before they left for war.Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/heart-tattoo-designs.html
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