Stargazer Lily Facts:
So, one of the most popular lily types, stargazers are now available in many different colors. While lilies are believed to have originated thousands of years ago, stargazers are among the latest entrants. In fact, the stargazer lily is a hybrid that is the result of a cross breeding between the oriental lily and the Asiatic lily. This lily was developed in 1978 by a Californian lily grower called Leslie Woodruff.However, there is no record about the details of this breeding program and so, very less is known about the details of the stargazer parentage. Besides the exquisite fragrance, the flowers are also a visual treat with spectacular colors. The name stargazer is derived from its upright nature that is uncommon in lilies. In other words, these flowers are upright and so, are said to face the sky. Hence the name stargazers.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/meaning-of-stargazer-lilies.html
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