Tattoo Design - Tattoo Meaning:
Angel tattoo: Defenders of humanity, protectionAztec sun tattoo: Belief in Afterlife, reincarnation
Bar code tattoo: Regain unique identity, individuality
Bird tattoo: Freedom, peace
Blue rose tattoo: Support, faith, fantasy
Black rose tattoo: Protest
Butterfly tattoo: Metamorphosis, beauty, freedom
Cross tattoo: Spirituality
Christian cross tattoo: Follower of Christian faith
Cherry tattoo: Love, romance, fertility
Cherry blossom tattoo: Impermanence of life, beauty
Chinese dragon tattoo: Power, mystery, intelligence, good will
Calla lily tattoo: Beauty, grace, pride
Clover tattoo: Symmetry, good luck
Dagger tattoos: Betrayal, destruction
Eagle tattoo: Courage, freedom, strength
Egyptian eye tattoo: Good luck, good will, optimism
Eye of Horus tattoo: Protection from evil
Flower tattoo: Beauty, love, purity, innocence
Flaming heart tattoo: Passion, undying spirit
Four leaf clover tattoo: Love, luck, hope, faith
Heart tattoos: Love, romance, passion, loyalty, devotion
Horse tattoo: Strength, valor, vigor, grace
Jesus cross tattoo: Follower of Christian faith
Japanese flower tattoo: Beauty, prosperity, good luck
Japanese dragon tattoo: Aggression, power, benevolence
Koi fish tattoo: Ability to overcome difficulty, courage
Lily tattoo: Purity, chastity
Lion tattoo: Power, authority, confidence, prestige
Lion of Judah tattoo: Kinglike, kingly, power, courage
Love tattoo: Love
Lotus tattoo: Beauty, grace
Mayan jaguar tattoo: Strength, supremacy, mastery
Moon tattoo: Motherhood, emotionality
Nautical star tattoo: Good luck, guidance
Octopus tattoo: Flexibility, adaptability
Orchid tattoo: Beauty, prosperity
Phoenix tattoo: Rebirth, immortality, new life
Pirate ship tattoo: Free spirit, metaphor of life
Praying hands tattoo: Religious belief, spirituality
Rose tattoo: Beauty, love, passion
Rose vine tattoo: Love, joy
Sparrow tattoo: Wisdom, free spirit
Starfish tattoo: Love for marine life, deep love
Seahorse tattoo: Good luck, grace, creativity
Scorpion tattoo: Strength, revenge
Skull tattoo: Adventure, thrill, death
Sea turtle tattoo: Wisdom, solitude
Snake tattoo: Rebirth, darkness, treachery
Star tattoo: Permanence, optimism
Sun tattoo: Vigor, knowledge, fertility
Sun and moon tattoo: Opposites attract, love, marriage
Swallow tattoo: Freedom, loyalty
Tiger tattoo: Strength, revenge, power
Turtle tattoo: Perseverance, spirituality
Unicorn tattoo: Mystery, fidelity
Wolf tattoo: Mystery, charm, fierceness
Water lily tattoo: Spirituality, good luck
Yin and yang tattoo: Balance of life, opposites
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/unique-tattoos-with-meaning.html
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