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Beautiful design bird Phoenix, back tattoo for girls.

Beautiful design bird Phoenix, back tattoo for girls.

Phoenix Tattoo Meaning:

There are many legends surrounding this beautiful bird. According to mythology, phoenix is a bird with an extraordinary quality, which is not found in any other bird or even animal. Phoenix is said to be a bird which can rise again, that too from its own ash. According to one legend, the phoenix was burnt down completely, but it did not die, three days after it was burnt, it rose again from the ashes. That is why it is rightly called the bird of fire. In fact, it is said that the word phoenix is derived from the Greek word 'red', as red is an universal symbol of fire. It is also said to be a creature with a very long life span. Before moving to other meanings of phoenix bird tattoos, let us first find out how and why the story of phoenix bird came into being.
According to a Jewish legend, phoenix refrained from eating the famous fruit of paradise, then set itself on fire but rose from ashes after three days. However, there are of course no evidence regarding the fact behind this legend. According to the legend, phoenix was regarded as the symbol of the setting and the rising sun. There is another legend behind this myth. The Greeks believed that phoenix lived in Arabia, near a well. Every morning it would go to the well to take a bath, and it would sing while doing so. The Greek god of sun, Apollo would stop each morning while pulling the sun across, to listen to the phoenix's song.

Talking about the meaning of phoenix tattoos, phoenix is regarded as an universal symbol of rebirth and resurrection. It is said to teach a valuable lesson that life never ends, it goes on. So one should never lose hope, whatsoever. So whoever wants to celebrate this essence of life, can get a phoenix tattoo done.

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