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Beautiful tribal turtle on the lady's back.

Beautiful tribal turtle on the ladies back

 Turtle tattoos:

The Turtle has been a powerful spiritual symbol in a number of traditions and cultures worldwide. From the Native Americans to the Japanese, there are countless creation legends that feature the Turtle as a pivotal character.

In some Native American tales, the Turtle is the deity of the world's shores. Tradition has it that the animal brought mud from the bottom of the vast global ocean and used it to form the continents. This association with Mother Earth and the Ocean, may account for why turtles represent the feminine cycle and the motions of the Moon.
Of course, one of the most famous associations of the Turtle comes from the timeless childhood favourites known as Aesop's fables. In The Tortoise and the Hare, the Tortoise is viewed as a wise animal and the power of 'Brains over Braun' comes into full focus. This concept is not an isolated one; in fact, many African and ancient Greek traditions are filled with stories praising the wisdom of the Patient Tortoise.

On average, tortoises live to the spritely old age of 150, as such, they are revered as symbols of health and longevity. The Zuni tribes of New Mexico craft medicine bags that are em blazed with the emblem of a turtle. These special bags are said to boost health and help the wearer defy death. The Navajo carry out a similar practice; the only acceptable vessel for the administration of medicine is a turtle's shell.

In Jamaica and other parts of the Caribbean, sea turtles are viewed as potent aphrodisiacs. Although the practice is illegal due to the extremely low number of turtles left in the wild, many men hunt and eat these precious animals in the hopes of boosting their performance and sexual prowess.

Whether you hold The Turtle as a spiritual entity of creation or a beautiful extension of Mother Nature, their charm and influence on the conscience and soul of humanity is undeniable.

The Meaning of Turtle Tattoos

Throughout human history, the Turtle has been an agent for inspiring positive change. While they may not be the world's most doting parents in the animal kingdom, keen survival instincts and their 'go with the flow' attitude have made these delicate creatures powerful totems in indigenous tribes across the globe. The Turtle also embodies:

  • Patience
  • Longevity
  • Wisdom
  • Peace
  • Innocence
  • Stability
  • Endurance
  • Feminine Energy

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