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Dragonfly tattoo stencils



Do you want a dragonfly tattoo? Then you should definitely read this text !!! The dragonfly is a creature of the wing and thus represents change. Its iridescent wings are super sensitive to the slightest breeze and it reminds us to pay attention to where the wind is blowing - this to avoid stormy weather.


Dragonflies are also creatures of water and creatures that build their houses in and around water that symbolize the subconscious, or the dreams of the mind and thoughts. Water is a symbol of the subconscious also in relation to the thoughts that we have in a relaxed, meditative and sleeping subconscious state.

The dragonfly lives a short life and it knows that it must experience what it has to the fullest. This lesson is important to each of us.

The dragonfly knows that it likes the great watery depth of infinitely thorough and possibly life-changing thoughts: The cloudy mass of thoughts that represent our original divinity - a virtual powder keg of expansive expression.

  • The importance of dragonfly tattoo designs

Dragonflies are vibrant and lively little things, and in order to bring out the beauty of these little creatures, many artists tend to create designs that incorporate bright colors and whimsical elements such as delicate flowers, butterflies, and bees.

The dragonfly is the fulcrum between the earthly world and the spiritual world. It maintains the balance between the earthly being and the higher self.


Fulfill your innermost desires and dreams with a dragonfly fairy tattoo. Magical fairies live in the realm of our imagination, play tricks and grant the wishes of people who are worthy of their favor. Much like the dragonfly, they spend their days fluttering without a care in the world, which explains why both creatures are considered emblems of

Frivolity and freedom apply. Dragonflies live near bodies of water, the natural element associated with the subconscious and human emotions. They embody wealth and happiness. Dragonfly fairy tattoos represent the connection to nature, innocence and show your fun side and are especially popular with women.

  • Dragonfly and flower tattoos

Flowers are nature's symbols of femininity, youth and beauty, while dragonflies are emblems of freedom, frivolity and the subconscious. The type of flower in the artwork is of great importance and changes the overall meaning of the design. Dragonfly and flower tattoos embody feminine beauty and freedom.


  • Butterfly and dragonfly tattoos

Dragonflies and butterflies are creatures of transformation. Both go through a phase of metamorphosis, changing from a seemingly ghastly doll to a breathtakingly beautiful being. Both spend their days wandering in heaven and are a sign of freedom and frivolity. On the other hand, a dragonfly is also an element of water, as such, it represents our latent feelings hidden beneath the surface. The design is very popular with women.

  • Tribal dragonfly tattoos

The beautiful black stripes of a tribal tattoo carry cultural and spiritual meaning for the indigenous people who live in the region from which the design originates. The exact meaning of each tribal pattern is a closely guarded secret of the elders of the tribe, but in general, tribal patterns help identify your spiritual and mental connection with a particular culture. Depicting a dragonfly with tribal images is also a way to incorporate the unique spiritual elements of the tiny insect into the cultural identity of the region. Tribal dragonfly tattoos signify the deeper spiritual and emotional connection with a culture and its people, as well as the calm inner strength.

Proper design is the cornerstone of any great tattoo. When you come up with a good design, the best thing to think about is what your new ink will symbolize, where it will be placed on the body, and whether you will be using other elements in your design. The best work of art is one that you will proudly wear twenty years later, so take the time to make your design perfect.

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