Meaning of yin yang tattoo
The meaning of yin yang tattoos is very diverse and has its main origins in Chinese philosophy and metaphysics which have become quite popular over the years.
The yin yang symbol
The symbol stands for the duality principle of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang are two complementary forces that make up everything in the world. The balance between them causes all movement and mutation to arise.
Yin representation
Yin stands for the passive, nocturnal, dark and cold principle. It is associated with darkness, water, winter, lowlands, quiet places such as cemeteries and churches, and fragile and small objects. In relation to situations and people, it represents hatred, sedentary lifestyle, opposition, envy, intolerance and difficulty.
Yang representation
Yang stands for the active principle, bright and warm during the day. It is associated with light, the mountain, summer and heat, high places, noisy places like parties and dances, concrete and large, massive objects. In relation to situations and people, it stands for love, initiative, help, admiration, friendship, creativity, tolerance and ease.
The balance between yin and yang
An example would be when a large, strong tree represents yang while a small, delicate tree represents yin.
Situations of too much yin are too calm and lifeless and should be avoided. Those with a lot of yang are too excited and overeating, and you should avoid them too. Both principles are contained in every manifestation in nature. Opposites complement each other and there is no conflict between them, one depends on the other to exist. This concept is expressed by the symbol: within the black yin there is a point of white yang and within the white yang there is a point of black yin. The points represent interdependence. Yin-Yang represents the balance of nature, strength, mind and body.
Meaning of yin yang in tattoos
In addition to the personal meaning, yin yang tattoos naturally have many meanings and are one of the most popular tattoos due to their openness and diversity. Below are some of the common meanings of Yin Yang tattoos:
- Gender balance (female versus male)
- Balance between good and bad
- light and darkness
- Addiction (one cannot survive without the other)
- Constant change
Another very common use of Yin Yang in tattoos is that of two carp that make up the shape of the symbol. Fish are usually depicted in opposite colors, symbolizing the male and female of the species, swimming in a circular motion, representing the attraction of opposites and the balance that rules our universes, and bringing the meanings of carp tattoos as part of to you.
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