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Halloween pumpkin tattoo.

Halloween pumpkin leg tattoo.

The history of Halloween:

The origin of Halloween is fascinating and anyone interested in finding out about the history of Halloween and where this American tradition was founded, will find the information in this article to be eye-opening. Knowing the history of Halloween can help many people decipher what to let their children take part in, and what to keep their children away from. Knowing the origin of Halloween can also help Christians view the adult, youth, and child activities associated with Halloween celebrations under the light of Christ's truths. The history of Halloween has been a mystery for too many years, and the origin of Halloween has confused many.
For years now, families have struggled with ever-increasing bad effects of a night spent exalting horror. Hospitals and authorities advise that parents examine or x-ray treats and that people be in their homes by 10 pm. Candies are poisoned, properties damaged, and vandalism has increased, all in the name of an ancient spiritual custom, the origin of Halloween. But, not so ancient is the modern day Halloween practices of occults and satanic worship that happen on the frightful fall evening. The modern day Halloween has become a mixture of several religious practices and a children's holiday. Take a look at the history of Halloween, and see how mixed up this confusing holiday has really become.
The origin of Halloween dates back before Christ. The Celtics' mythology taught that with the coming of winter, a season of the dead, came a night in which the spirits of the dead could freely roam about with humans. Some of these spirits would inflict suffering and violence upon man. To appease the spirits and the gods that were worshiped, the Celtic people would put out their best food offerings on the doorstep. Celtic priests would also offer sacrifices, animal and human, to the gods to ask for a return of the sun and in hopes that the gods would chase away the evil, frightening spirits. Often, the Celtics would wear dreadful costumes, hoping to fool an evil spirit with the disguise. There are practices from the history of Halloween that are still being practiced today.
It is interesting how much the modern day American practices and the modern day witchcraft have in common with the ancient beliefs of the Celtic people. Considering that Satan is the father of lies for all time, it can be seen how we are continually deceived. "There shall not be found among you any one that make th his son or his daughter to pass through fire, or that use th divination or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch." (Deuteronomy 17:10)

By Christian N
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