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Half sleeve peacock tattoo by Dennis P Kline - excellent work.

Half sleeve peacock tattoo by Dennis P Kline - excellent work.

By Dennis P Kline - half sleeve tattoo.

That colorful half sleeve tattoo of Dennis is unsurpassed. The peacock  look you directly in the eyes with a unique superiority.

1 comment:

  1. Dennis P. Kline has been in the tattoo industry since 2000 at the age of 25. Creating art since childhood, Dennis developed his skills with the use of many different mediums. He has developed art work for local businesses to local bands. He has won numerous awards for his art and his tattoos. Dennis is always willing to inspire people and other starving artists, help anyone with questions.

    At the age of 25 Dennis P. Kline was introduced to the tattoo world and worked under (shred) at (shred's inferno) in Chicago for his apprenticeship. Tattooing came as natural to Dennis as his artwork and then clients started flooding his daily planner. Dennis creates awesome custom work, forseeing a tattoo even before they start drawing one out. Well rounded artist's like Dennis are few and far between.

    Dennis' influences in the tattoo industry are people like Guy Aitchison, Paul Booth and Bob Tyrrell. Dennis is ever more inspired by his children and wife. He hopes to be one of the next generations most sought after artists.
