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Simplicity is beauty. Excellent geometric tattoo by Chaim Machlev.

Simplicity is beauty. Excellent geometric arm tattoo by Chaim Machlev


Chaim Machlev highly skilled and very talented tattoo artist:

Chaim Machlev is originally from Tel Aviv, Israel, but has lived in Berlin, Germany for so long that he now considers himself a “Berliner”. Machlev’s tattoo art focuses on sacred geometry, mandalas and nature symbols which he combines to create a spiritual, natural appeal. Each tattoo by Machlev exhibits a high quality of workmanship. From design to completion, each part of the design is balanced, crisp and neatly executed.

The majority of Chaim Machlev’s mandala and geometry tattoos are created in black ink, which Machlev manipulates masterfully, using dot work techniques to create subtle shades and textures that add depth and visual interest to his designs. Geometric tattoos can be tricky to create because if the artist makes a mistake, the mistake can be blatantly apparent against the neat, orderly nature of the rest of the design. While some artists may struggle with this aspect of geometric tattoos, Machlev is highly skilled and very talented. Each tattoo is a perfect work of art that celebrates the order of geometry and the beauty of spiritual and nature symbols.

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