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Unique 3D skull tattoo.

Unique 3D skull tattoo

Skull tattoos have always been one of my personal favorite designs, and they have been a favorite pick of many others since the time of sailors and exploration. Today, skull tattoos are often associated with death and decay. They are symbols of mortality and the end of life or vitality. It can be difficult for people to accept the popularity of skull tattoos when they have the reputation for meaning such dark and depressing things. But, the truth of the matter is, skull tattoos often have a very positive or motivating meaning, as well.


Although skull tattoos do represent death, they typically represent the fleetingness of life, as well. "Memento mori" (in Latin) is a common phrase seen with many skull tattoos. It means "remember your mortality". It's an important reminder to keep our inevitable death in mind, so that one may live life to the fullest. Death is not what should, ultimately, depress us, but rather a life not truly lived!
Skull tattoos remind people to experience obstacles and hardships, to take chances and be their best. "All is vanity" is another common motto seen with skull tattoo designs. This design shows that death eventually comes to everyone, and anything achieved in life will pass or fade away.
Oftentimes, this combination of meaning and imagery represents a belief in an afterlife. People who choose these tattoos want to remember that their mortal life is meaningless in comparison to the wonders and glory that await them after death.


  • Symbols of good luck!

Skulls are also used as a "good luck" tattoo design. Gamblers wanting to change their bad luck sometimes choose symbols of ill will, like skulls and black cats. These tattoos, contradictory though it seems, is meant to bring the gambler success in the future. Possibly, a skull tattoo is used by gamblers with the idea that skulls not only represent death, but also change.


  • Religious and cultural meanings

The skull was often used by ancient cultures to ward off any type of evil influence or illness. It's often viewed as the seat of intelligence, spirit and human life. Did you know that the skull is also the remnant of the body that is the most resistant to decay? Therefore, it is often viewed as another sign of its strength as a symbol. Many primitive cultures believed wearing skulls and skull tattoos would insure protection and well- being. In the Kabbalah, the skull represents rebirth and is a time for celebration, not sadness or loss. In the same way, death does not always mean something negative. Death can be a positive experience and remembering those who have died can actually be an uplifting experience and reminder.

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