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Showing posts with label 3D tattoos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3D tattoos. Show all posts

Amazing 3D dragon back tattoo!

Amazing 3D dragon back tattoo!


  • Dragon Tattoos:

Dragon tattoos are some of the most versatile tattoos, that are popular among both men and women. A dragon tattoo usually symbolizes the features of the tattoo bearer, which include, strength along with great intelligence. Scaled body, clawed feet, large wings and tail, fire emitting power from the mouth, etc. are some of the typical physical features of a dragon. Since, there are several different types of dragons, the physical features change for each dragon. Moreover, every dragon has unique meanings associated with its design.

Western dragons are considered to be evil spirits, while the eastern dragon is more like a peace messenger, who helps humans in every way. Japanese dragon tattoos, Chinese dragon tattoos, European dragon tattoos and tribal dragon tattoos are some of the varieties of dragon tattoos. Out of these tattoos, Japanese and Chinese are more popular, due to the availability of myriad designs and color combinations for these dragon tattoos. Arms, lower back, rib cage, back, etc. are some of the famous placements for dragon tattoos. Let us see what is so special about dragon tattoos on back.


So real 3D butterfly tattoo!

So real 3D butterfly leg tattoo!

Butterflies are flying insects that have highly decorative, colorful wings. Humans have dreamed of flying for centuries and have begun to associate the act of flight (represented by wings) with freedom.


 Butterflies are an attractive, patterned symbol of liberty and confidence, so butterflies are often chosen to represent a life event in which a person sets themselves free of an emotional burden, forgives another person, or allows the spirit of a deceased loved one to move on.


 Butterflies can be used with other symbols of femininity such as flowers, fish, birds and chalice-shapes. Using butterflies in a design adds a sense of lightness and delicate beauty to the tattoo.



Shoulder tattoo, nice 3D black spider by Chertejen Tattoo Studio.

Shoulder tattoo, nice 3D black spider by Chertejen Tattoo Studio.

The gray in the back as the fourth and fifth leg of the spider, showing the direction of the light and shadows of the legs acquire 3D realistic dimensions.
Nice work by the guys of Chertejen Tattoo Studio. Argentina

Spider tattoos:


The spider tattoo has been associated with a lot of things in the world today. For some, thee tattoo can only be a representation of the time you spent behind bars in prison, while others perceive it as a person whose web of life crossed path with the KKK. The same tattoo on the elbow would occur as implying a skinhead who have issues with his environment, a derelict and an anti-everything person; anti racist, anti gay, as well as a rubber stamp of a skinhead in prison behind the shadow of death on death row, murder depicted on the forehead.


3D liberty birds side tattoo.

3D liberty birds side tattoo

Bird Tattoo Meanings

With more than 10,000 species, there are a lot of birds to inspire us. Some birds, like Phoenix and Griffin, exist only in mythology, and symbolize the idea of power or struggle. While some, like swallow or hummingbird, illustrate simplicity or femininity. Meanings attached to bird tattoos vary in different countries, cultures and communities. Ötzi, the 5000-year old mummified iceman, was found in October 1991. He bears the world's oldest tattoos!

Birds, the mesmerizing creatures of Mother Nature, bring to us a realm of mystical world. Their ability of flight has been intriguing humans for ages. No wonder, when it comes to arts, they are the most chosen muse. Whether it is the famous British painter Francis Barlow or Alfred Hitchcock, no one can deny the influence of birds on them.

It is a pleasant view to watch birds fly into the horizon as the sun sets. Their freedom to roam around and challenge high skies, is enticing. So, when it comes to body art, they are an obvious choice. However, in the ink world, there are few birds that top the charts. Each of them have their own significance and symbolism, and they all represent something unique. This Buzzle article will reveal the secrets behind these birds and their significance. Take a look...


Unique 3D skull tattoo.

Unique 3D skull tattoo

Skull tattoos have always been one of my personal favorite designs, and they have been a favorite pick of many others since the time of sailors and exploration. Today, skull tattoos are often associated with death and decay. They are symbols of mortality and the end of life or vitality. It can be difficult for people to accept the popularity of skull tattoos when they have the reputation for meaning such dark and depressing things. But, the truth of the matter is, skull tattoos often have a very positive or motivating meaning, as well.


Although skull tattoos do represent death, they typically represent the fleetingness of life, as well. "Memento mori" (in Latin) is a common phrase seen with many skull tattoos. It means "remember your mortality". It's an important reminder to keep our inevitable death in mind, so that one may live life to the fullest. Death is not what should, ultimately, depress us, but rather a life not truly lived!
Skull tattoos remind people to experience obstacles and hardships, to take chances and be their best. "All is vanity" is another common motto seen with skull tattoo designs. This design shows that death eventually comes to everyone, and anything achieved in life will pass or fade away.
Oftentimes, this combination of meaning and imagery represents a belief in an afterlife. People who choose these tattoos want to remember that their mortal life is meaningless in comparison to the wonders and glory that await them after death.



Creepy awesome! 3D Tattoo behind the ear.

3D behind the ear

3D Tattoo behind the ear.

This tattoo reminds us that, it isn't far the day when man's attempt to live longer will be forced to adapt to the body's mechanical and electronic parts.
As superheroes so we, day by day, we will add to our body supernatural attributes. You can hear better, see farther, run faster ... The only thing that scares me is when we go to sleep at night if we connect our body with adapters as we do with our cell phones.

Spider on the neck 3D awesome tattoo!

Spider on the neck 3D awesome tattoo!


3D Spider Tattoo: 


An example is where the tattoo artist adds shadow beneath the legs so that it appears like the spider is really walking across the skin.

Awesome 3D maple leaf, shoulder tattoo.

Awesome 3D maple leaf, shoulder tattoo.

Maple leaf tattoo.


The maple leaf tattoo has always been popular with patriotic Canadians and there is really no better way to show a love for your country.
So let's help you make that perfect decision with a few options for where to position the leaf.

1. Lower back tattoo  


- this is very popular among young women and a really cool design is just a very simple and small maple leaf in read.

2. Shoulder blade tattoo


- this works so well for maple tattoo designs because you can go a little wild and get a larger design to fill the space. You might like the get a branch with the maple leaf on too.

3. Forearm tattoo


- as much as the lower back is popular with women so that forearm is the domain of young men. Some of the best designs are quite vivid and lifelike with the maple leap colored in greens and yellows.


Red hot chili pepper 3D tattoo.

Red hot chili pepper lower back 3D tattoo.


Beautiful Lower Back Tattoos for Women


There are various designs for these tattoos. You can also experiment a lot here, as a lot of space is available. Just take an idea from one of the basic tattoo designs and add your creativity to it!


Heart Tattoos


The beauty of the heart tattoos is bought out the best when they are done on the lower back. And that's the reason why heart lower back tattoos have gained so much of popularity.
There are many designs available in heart tattoos and you can choose according to your personal liking. If you want some delicate design, you can go for the design of a simple shaded heart. Ask the tattoo artist to fill red color for the heart and gray, black or brown color for the shade. Alternatively, you can keep the same design but fill the heart with some images, like a valley or waves. They look simply cool! But remember to cover only the half heart with the image, as it makes it realistic. Other designs available are: heart with angel wings, broken heart, stitched heart, or even a cupid struck heart! Tribal heart tattoos for women also look good and more unique than others.

Ιmpressive 3D tattoo.

Ιmpressive 3D face doll tattoo

3D tattoos.

These tattoo designs are also being flaunted by a number of celebrities as they represent attitude and passion. These new designs are a unique style of tattooing that adds depth and realism to the design. This is accomplished by adding a shadow to the design to make it look like it is either a part of your skin, or something standing on top of your skin.

Choosing the perfect tattoo design.

Nearly any design can be made 3D. Think of anything you want in a tattoo, and then think about how it could be shaded to make it appear 3D.