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Armband tribal tattoo stencils



Armband tribal tattoos

The complexity and abstract nature of tribal bracelet tattoos has led to their continued popularity for hundreds of years. They are some of the most diverse and eye-catching designs available anywhere in the world, and they have such a wide range of meanings that almost anyone can find a tribal bracelet tattoo that goes with their life.

Tribal tattoos are native to the Hawaiian and Polynesian Islands and were originally designed to create symbols for each individual family, much like a coat of arms.

Most tribal designs have deeper meanings attached to them, but modern tribal tattoos are typically chosen for their aesthetic appeal.

Strength, family, love and wisdom are the most common ideals that such tribal bracelets are intended to exemplify. These tattoos often contain barbed wire designs of incredible complexity that twist in and out of themselves as they encircle the arm. The continuity of these tattoos helps show the never ending cycle of life.

Knoted tribal armbands are also very popular, and they are typical symbols of power, continuity and wisdom. These designs tend to be simple and repetitive, but some can have intricate details to make them more eye-catching or personally symbolic.

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