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Showing posts with label tribal tattoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tribal tattoo. Show all posts

Shark tattoo stencils




** Check out more Shark Tattoo Designs HERE

Shark tattoos with meaning

The shark is one fascinating and terrifying creature all at once. They are creatures that symbolize power and dominance and they have been feared by humanity since the first days when humanity started to go to sea.


For these reasons, it's not surprising that Hollywood films like Deep Blue Sea have turned into box office hits. It is a creature that evokes a sense of respect and fear in us. Perfect feelings for going to the cinema.


There is a long tradition of these tattoos among seafarers, because one tries to evoke the blessing of the gods and to ask for protection during dangerous journeys. In addition, these designs are used as a token of honor, because the seafarers do not fear death.



In Hawaiian mythology, the sharks are ancient gods who practice a specific ritual so that loved ones can receive strength after death. This bygone ritual, also known as "Aumakua", protects the descendants. As a result, many Hawaiians feed the large sharks that swim near the beach.





In many indigenous cultures, the sharks are seen as spiritual points between the earth and the sea. In Fiji, the shark god Dakuwanga protects the fishermen in the sea and worships the lost souls. From Australia to the Hawaiian Islands, folklore tells that sharks can change shape and swim freely anywhere.



In real life we ​​find that the sharks represent the aggressive desire for life. They are constantly on the move, even when they are asleep. For many people this represents an important point in their life. People with the personality of a shark live to the max every day and fight to the death to achieve their goals. They do everything with passion and therefore both these people and the sharks are very successful. In a business sense, being a shark means being cold and calculating and not letting your emotions carry you away.


Armband tribal tattoo stencils



Armband tribal tattoos

The complexity and abstract nature of tribal bracelet tattoos has led to their continued popularity for hundreds of years. They are some of the most diverse and eye-catching designs available anywhere in the world, and they have such a wide range of meanings that almost anyone can find a tribal bracelet tattoo that goes with their life.

Tribal tattoos are native to the Hawaiian and Polynesian Islands and were originally designed to create symbols for each individual family, much like a coat of arms.

Most tribal designs have deeper meanings attached to them, but modern tribal tattoos are typically chosen for their aesthetic appeal.

Strength, family, love and wisdom are the most common ideals that such tribal bracelets are intended to exemplify. These tattoos often contain barbed wire designs of incredible complexity that twist in and out of themselves as they encircle the arm. The continuity of these tattoos helps show the never ending cycle of life.


Handsome, tribal half sleeve maori tattoo.

Handsome, tribal half sleeve maori tattoo.


Tribal Maori Half Sleeve Tattoos:


Tribal tattoos are by far the most popular choice and understandably so. Their geometric nature means that they look great when wrapped around curved surfaces such as your shoulder. Imagine doing that with a photo realistic tattoo - it would just look warped!
Maori and Polynesian style tattoos are the most popular in the tribal genre for this location.