Celtic tattoos - meaning, symbols, and trivia
Opinions often differ when it comes to tattoos. Some love them, others don't. But there are also different attitudes among tattoo fans. For some, tattoos are just body jewelry. For others, every tattoo has a specific meaning.
One tattoo style unites both: Celtic. But what are Celtic tattoos?
- Celtic - the definition of the term
The term "Celtic" is broad and encompasses all cultures of Northern Europe from the Iron Age to the Middle Ages.
The Celtic tattoo art includes styles from several historical periods and ranges from the Hallstatt period to the La Tene period.
Where is the exact origin of the Celtic tattoos?
Hard to say. Many peoples were involved. In addition, the influence of the Vikings was very strong.
The Celtic tattoo art, or more precisely the Celtic method of tattooing, is one of the oldest in the world.
An extract of the so-called Woad plant was used as the color. The symbols of the original Celtic tattoos are based on metal artifacts, old manuscripts and Pictish carvings in stone.
Despite the great influence of the Vikings with their wild, flowing art, the Celtic tattoo style also retained its spiral and weave patterns.
Celtic Tattoo, in German Celtic tattoo. This means a tattoo in the Celtic style. The style of the Celtic tattoos is often seen as a fashion trend, although the history of this style goes very far back to the Celtic warriors.