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Showing posts with label ankle tattoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ankle tattoo. Show all posts

Awesome ankle bracelet tattoo.

Awesome ankle bracelet tattoo for girls

Anklet Tattoo Designs:

Some of the best tattoo designs are on ankle. Ankle tattoos are a big favorite with the women folk. This has got to do not only with the placement of the tattoo, but also with the wide variety of designs that are available.
Ankles have also been looked at as a well shaped part of the body. Woman folk the world around, have been adorning their ankles with anklets since the ancient ages.

Inspired cute ankle tattoo, for girls.

Inspired cute ankle tattoo, for girls

Ankle tattoos for girls:

Tattoo designs on the ankle are desired by most women and girls. It is placed on or around the area of the ankle and is very sexy and cute. Ankle tattoo designs can easily be concealed. In general the designs are kept small, simple and inconspicuous, and will draw attention if needed by simply lowering the sock or raising the leg of your pants. The appearance of the tattoo design on the ankle is extremely feminine, which sets you apart from the rest.


Ankle tattoo designs are available in a wide variety of design and colors and you must ensure you choose one that is suitable to your personality and taste. Some of the popular designs include the butterfly, star and flowers. These unique and sought after design are great to accentuate a women's ankle and looks great during spring and summer time of the year.


When choosing this type of design, extra care should be taken as the skin around this area of the body is fairly thin and requires good after care. But, if done correctly, there is no reason why you should not end up with your dream tattoo. One of the most important facts here is protecting your ankle during the healing process, which may take longer than other locations on the body.


So sweet and innocent looking. Ankle Owl tattoo.

So sweet and innocent looking. Ankle Owl tattoo.

Ankle Owl tattoo:

So sweet and innocent looking. I love this tattoo.
The stencil is available on page:  ANIMAL - FREE TATTOO STENCILS