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Showing posts with label back dragon tattoo for girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back dragon tattoo for girls. Show all posts

Amazing 3D dragon back tattoo!

Amazing 3D dragon back tattoo!


  • Dragon Tattoos:

Dragon tattoos are some of the most versatile tattoos, that are popular among both men and women. A dragon tattoo usually symbolizes the features of the tattoo bearer, which include, strength along with great intelligence. Scaled body, clawed feet, large wings and tail, fire emitting power from the mouth, etc. are some of the typical physical features of a dragon. Since, there are several different types of dragons, the physical features change for each dragon. Moreover, every dragon has unique meanings associated with its design.

Western dragons are considered to be evil spirits, while the eastern dragon is more like a peace messenger, who helps humans in every way. Japanese dragon tattoos, Chinese dragon tattoos, European dragon tattoos and tribal dragon tattoos are some of the varieties of dragon tattoos. Out of these tattoos, Japanese and Chinese are more popular, due to the availability of myriad designs and color combinations for these dragon tattoos. Arms, lower back, rib cage, back, etc. are some of the famous placements for dragon tattoos. Let us see what is so special about dragon tattoos on back.