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Showing posts with label henna mandala tattoos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label henna mandala tattoos. Show all posts

Mandala Tattoo Stencils



The mandala tattoo - meaning, art and origin

Mandalas - the fine art of symmetry

Tattoos are an expression of an attitude towards life. Certainly yes! Because for most tattoo friends they are more than just a youthful sin, a thoughtless snapshot or a nice painting on the skin.

Because of their mostly deeper meaning alone, they have long been something special and ideally, their deadline will last until death separates bearer and motive.

Depending on the zeitgeist, there are always different trends in the representations of popular body art. The variety is infinite and is constantly enjoying new ideas. Tribals, portraits or, more recently, mandalas - the creative world of tattoos doesn't stop growing.

  •  Origin

The illustration of mandalas is already several millennia old. For example, Indians and Incas have already drawn the round patterns on rocks. The mandalas then achieved their fame in the Far Eastern countries, because with Buddhism and Hinduism they were also used as objects of meditation and especially for religious rituals. There is your D

production and use are still very common. In the Christian religion, too, they were used for church painting, especially in the Middle Ages.

  •  Importance


Henna tattoos, the old fashioned new tattoos.



Henna patterns vary from region to region and in each region, henna has some significant meaning. They signify health, fertility, wisdom, spirituality and enlightenment. You can make them with the help of henna paste and you can vary the shade of your henna from light brown to dark brown with the help of various ingredients. These ingredients are added in different proportions to get different shades. These patterns are drawn all over the palm.


  • Henna Designs
  • Designs for Palms:

Henna mandala patterns vary according to the region. Arabic patterns are floral and big, while Indian patterns are fine and lacy with small floral patterns. Traditional henna tattoos patterns are geometric patterns like circles, triangles and lines. All these shapes are combined to form a very trendy, as well as traditional design. 


Intricate designs can be drawn with a little practice. Flower arches, lotus, leave chains and henna web are some of the usual henna patterns for beginners. Usually, beginners start by drawing straight and curved lines. The very first step of drawing them is bordering the palm or drawing a circle at the center of the palm. While drawing the patterns on the palms, always remember to fill the patterns on the palm and then on the fingers. The most basic pattern is drawing a circle at the center of the palm and covering the upper crease of all the fingers on that hand with henna.